Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Goodbyes: A Tribute to the Tarbuttons

I think most people would agree with me that in our lives, there are very few people who come along whom we would consider "good friends". I'm talking about those who aren't necessarily your "best friend", but perhaps "one of my best friends". They're people who you just really click with. You love spending time with them, they love spending time with you, and you almost always have an amazing time no matter what you're doing. Another great thing about these kinds of friends is that you know that they care about you. They call when somethings wrong, they'll take the time to talk to you when you need someone to listen to you. They know you well enough to know when somethings up. These people are the, for lack of a better word, default people that you hang out with. You call them first when looking for something to do. These people are very rare, and when you do find them, you hold on to them dearly and you appreciate them every time you're around them.

Well, in about a week, I'm losing not one, but two of these friends. Not losing as in they're going to die, but as in they're moving away and I won't be able to see them whenever I want to anymore. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. I moved enough times to know what it's like, but that doesn't change the fact that it still sucks. It's like Monday; you know it's coming, but there's nothing you can do to stop it. It comes faster than it should, and it still sucks just as bad as you thought it would, if not worse.

The friends I am referring to are Luke and Amelia Tarbutton. They have both been great friends since the beginning of my first semester at CFNI, about two and a half years ago. Luke recently got hired as a childrens pastor at a church in Colorado, thus they will be moving shortly after Christmas.

Luke was never my closest friend at CFNI, but a very constant friend. Always in a good mood, Luke has the ability to make anyone laugh. His humor is quick and lighthearted, almost never sarcastic (only when it's fitting). Luke and I first clicked when we learned that we were both from Georgia, him from an Atlantan suburb and I from South Central Georgia. He is an amazing piano player and teacher, and overall, one of those people who is just naturally good at anything they put their hands to. Luke is one of the few people I know who is always a joy to be around, no matter what.

Amelia I met on my second day in Dallas. Her, Ryan Schreiber, and myself spent the day hanging out around campus, and that began what would be a lasting friendship. For most of my first year at CFNI, it was always the three of us. Of course there were others, and we liked it that way, but if all else failed, Amelia, Ryan, and myself would be doing something together. Amelia became like a sister to me. No one ever thought or asked if there was anything between us because they knew that it was never like that. Amelia, although sometimes a little picky about things, whether it be what music we listen to in the car or where we go eat (okay, maybe a lot picky), has always been a pleasure to be around. She is always laughing about something, and with a laughter that is genuine and contagious. She has a self-discipline in terms of her time spent with the Lord that challenges those around her to be more devoted. She is the kind of friend who herself values her close friends and their opinions and advice. She's the kind of friend who'll even go grocery shopping with you just to be able to hang out. She's just over four months happily married to Luke Tarbutton, three months excitedly pregnant with a beautiful child, and will be an absolutely amazing mother, and Luke an exemplary father.

One of the saddest parts for me is that I didn't get to say goodbye to them before they moved. They left today for Brownsville and I will have left for Georgia by the time they get back to Dallas to pack up and move. That's mostly the reason I wrote this, because I was sad that I didn't get to see them one last time before they left and because I don't know when I'll see them again.

So this is for you, Luke and Amelia Tarbutton. You are both amazing friends and two of my favorite people alive. You are greatly loved and will be sorely missed. I pray God's grace and peace be with you as you embark on this new journey in your lives together. You will be a great addition to your new church and I'm certain you will be as appreciated there as you have been here. I love you both very much and will miss you often.

Love in Christ,
Chad Andrew Newton